custom design

Custom design is inherently in our DNA and we strive to create the best possible solution for the interiors we're involved with. Clients needs, expectations and budget are at the forefront of our thinking and at times this calls for a custom solution. We work closely with the project team to define these elements and put forward tailored solutions specifically for the clients needs.


Working with a community of craftsmen we source local materials to ensure the quality and workmanship remains of the highest of standards. Our direct relationship with skilled craftspeople means we have full creative scope to create pieces from scratch, responding directly to a distinct brief. This partnership also gives us the ability to make alterations or changes to our existing designs where dimensions may need to be tailored.


Customise your pieces. Blend seamlessly into surroundings or stand out as the centerpiece

Beyond our local custom capability, our close partnership with our international brands enables us to work with them for custom requests to their existing designs, therefore allowing us flexibility with dimensions and details, where volumes are specified.

custom projects

This collaboration covers a close working partnership to develop customised finishes, materials, dimensions and styles to respond directly to a client brief or requirement. A collection of Design Nation’s custom capability are featured below.

Custom workstations Havas by Hammond Studio

Custom upholstery and powdercoated chairs. Nour Sydney

Custom timber table tops MLC Centre by Luchetti Krelle

Custom lounge and meeting table Host Agency by Hammond Studio

Leather upholstery to specification Northcotte House by Taylor Knights

Custom tables and benches Alpha restaurant by DS17

custom processes

Laminate Finishes

Solid Timbers

Timber Stains

Fabric Upholstery

Leather Upholstery

Contrast Stitching

Powder Coating

Custom Metal Work & Edging

Tiled Table Tops

Polishing & Honing

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