How to Improve Your Living Space

So it’s time to revamp the lounge room and get rid of that ancient floral décor but you have no idea where to start? These expert tips will help you decide what type of line, form and shape you want reflected in your living space.

Remember, furniture is essentially rectangular or square and it can become repetitive.

  • Break it up by adding some curved pieces and convey a feeling of security. This can be with accessories such as vases or lamps, rather than large furniture.
  • Always include empty space into the design. Space can be used to enhance the effect of the furniture design.
  • Use diagonal lines in the space to convey the feeling of movement and imbalance.
  • Vertical and horizontal lines are used to change the perspective of a room. To make a room feel wider, use horizontal lines. To increase the height of a space, vertical lines work best.
  • Curved lines are similar to curved furniture as they convey security, continuity and can help to tie a space together.
