New Cafes “Popping Up” in Canberra

A transportable cafe and gallery will soon be launching in Canberra, bringing a whole new meaning to ‘coffee on the go.’

The pop-up architecture is the idea of designers Nikki Butlin and Lester Yao, who are both members of architecture collective Canberra Lab.

“It’s something really temporary, something fun and a way to use spaces in a unique way,” said Ms Butlin, who also hopes to inject some fun and life into Canberra with the designs and showcase the talents of local people.

The designers will be collaborating with a number of local artists and designers to complete their first project, as some are working on other features such as cafe tables and stools.

The food, coffee and other drinks for the cafe will be provided by Two Before Ten, a cafe in the city owned by Jarrod Deaton, who has also been a major player in promoting the local art and design scene.

“We’ve been interested in expanding into little urban interventions like this for a little while,” he said. “It’s right up our alley. It’s a nice way of engaging with different parts of Canberra.”
