What’s Hot: Modern Furniture Trends

Knowing the difference between a furniture trend and fad can be difficult. You don’t want to spend money on something that is, not only going to be expensive, but go out of style quickly. Below are some guidelines for what have been the biggest trends of the last decade:

  • Less is more. As homes have gotten smaller, so too has the furniture used to decorate them. This has trend has led people to purchase smaller, yet more ornate, contemporary furniture.
  • Technology rules. Technology has played a huge role in furniture design over the last decade, not only in regards to the design process but in how purpose of the furniture is defined. Where once a nightstand was just a nightstand, now some designers are including shelves specifically designed to accommodate laptops, tablets and smartphones while they are charging.

  • Going green. The rise in mainstream concerns over the environmental impact of deforestation has led to a rise in the popularity of ‘green furniture’. This also refers to furniture that is made from repurposed or recycled materials.
  • The Bedroom. Buying a bed is no longer as simple as picking out a mattress and an ensemble. The waterbed gave rise to consumer demand for something other than a spring mattresses and now there are several different types of sleep surfaces to choose from.
  • Outdoor furniture. The popularity of outdoor living areas has risen over the last decade and as such, furniture designers have had to step up their game. The last decade has seen, both the quality of the design and the durability of fabrics improve.
