Tailoring a Shopping Centre to its Customers

A shopping centre has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of female shoppers.

The Korona Kielce Center, in Poland, is using aesthetics specifically designed to create a relaxing shopping environment for its female customers, according to Retail Design Blog. The shopping centre has been decorated with printed wallpaper lining the corridors with 3D trees. The graphics are part of the centre’s communication system, coloured to differentiate between parking levels. A parking information system has also been installed.

Other elements of the centre, which were designed to enhance the shopping experience for female customers, include a 3D, multimedia, visual information system. According to Retail Design Blog, unused elements of the building’s facade inspired the concept and contributed to the 3D trees.

A protective coating was sprayed over the areas expected to receive the greatest foot traffic. Corian has been used to form the information system and counters because of its desirable construction properties.

[Source] http://retaildesignblog.net/2013/08/25/food-courts-korona-kielce-mall-design-by-dodoplan-kielce-poland-2/