Miniforms Epitomises Quality, Clean Forms and Primary Colours

Pieces from Italian family-owned production house Miniforms feature clean forms and effective use of primary colours.

In the early 1970s, Miniforms was founded in Italy. This was a natural extension of the activities of the former production house which has been creating furnishing accessories and small tables since 1962.

When it became Miniforms, the family-owned enterprise expanded production to incorporate tables, chairs and bookcases, which were eventually offered to international markets.

Now, Miniforms has been passed down from father to sons Alessandro, Matteo and Mario. The three brothers are collaborating with young and talented Italian designers, forming partnerships with international design talent too. Investment is particularly focused on avant garde production.

Despite the company passing to a second generation of the family, its style has remained faithful to the philosophy of high quality products being used, which are predominantly sheet steel, solid wood and aluminium.
